10 Things That Happen When You Eat 1 Grapefruit Everyday

9. You Will Feel More Hydrated

Citrus fruits are known for having a high water content. Grapefruits are around 92% water, more than any other fruit, so needless to say, they’re incredibly hydrating.

If you’re a bit lax at drinking enough fluids (including water, weak fruit squashes and herbal teas) then starting your day with grapefruit for breakfast, either on its own or as part of a balanced healthy breakfast can help you on your way to hydration.

A good test is to check the colour of your urine. Normal urine should be straw coloured (not in the morning, this isn’t a good test as urine is always darker in the morning after sleeping all night, or even getting up one or twice in the night to have a pee).

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